About three years ago I turned my life over to Christ in the middle of my living room, but never made a public announcement of it. A couple of weeks ago, I decided to publically for the first time acknowledging Him as my savior and accept Him through believers baptism. This has brought up questions that I never thought that I would have to deal with. Matt has been inquiring about the reason behind baptism. He says that he wants to be baptised with me. I don't know if Matt is able to understand and I am unsure how to go about explaining the process to him. I am a little selfish because I would like nothing better than for my son to be baptised with me but at the same time I know that is a decision that I can not make for him. Its difficult because I am not sure of what his comprehension is of what he hears in church. He is unable to express to me how he feels and what he believes. Is there any advise anyone can give me? I have spoken with my pastor but only briefly about the subject. This is something that is important to me and it appears to be to Matthew but it is hard because he can't make me or anyone else aware of what he is truely thinking. He communicates, but in his way and sometimes he can get confused about what he wants and what he hears someone else say, because he does like to repeat words (whether they are his thoughts or someone else's). We plan to meet with our pastor soon, but in the meantime I wonder how I will know what the correct answers are to help Matt understand his request for baptism.
Wow Janet - that is tough! I don't have any advice to offer but I will be praying for you and Matt! :)