We finally met with the vocational rehab counselor last week. All seemed to go well. She was very nice and helpful and offered some options for Matt. The process begins now, with an evaluation of Matthew and contacting his physicians. If all is approved, (I am assured there should be no reason it shouldn't be) then Matt will begin one on one training to determine what if any his "nitch" is. In other words what is it that Matt can do that would be an asset to him in a trade or job. The best thing is that his one on one coach and counselor will attempt to find a job for him in our hometown. They will contact local business owners to see if they have a place for Matt. Sounds great... but our town is small and I am not sure if any of them participates in the rehab program or would be interested in taking a chance on Matt. The counselor that paid us a visit assured me that it isn't easy but was doable. I gave her a list of businesses that were family owned in our community for her to check into. We are hopeful.
Matt enjoyed the meeting and smiled the whole time as he talked to Ms. C. He showed off his prom pictures and his artwork. She took down a list of his interests(music and art) that might be helpful in our search for a job for Matt.
All we can do at this point is wait and allow Ms. C to do her job. She said she will let us know when she knows anything. So we wait and pray and remain hopeful.
I hope that everyone that reads this will say a prayer for Matt and myself to be led where we, especially Matt is meant to be.
A Call to Honor
5 years ago
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