Friday, June 19, 2009

Feeling a little discouraged this am . When I started this page for Matt and myself I was very confident that I would come in contact with other families with autistic children. However, my blog page hasn't picked up followers or received many comments. I thought that our stories might inspire others and in return give Matt and myself an insight to others experiencing the same challenges we have and have had dealing with autism. I am troubled as to whether I am not putting the blog out there to others in the proper manner or if, to put it simply, that no one is interested in Matt's accomplishments and struggles. In our state I have yet to find anyone through this page that has children with autism.
Are any of you out there??? I look at others who have pages with updates on their children and posts regarding autism and wonder what am I doing wrong. If anyone could please help me with suggestions for the page or with any advise as to other blogs that I may join I would most appreciate it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Matt wanted to post his favorite recipe. (He can make it himself)

Bacon Ranch Dip

1(16 oz.) cup of sour cream
1 package of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix(dry)
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1 package of real bacon bits

Prepare the sour cream and ranch dressing mix,
add the remaining ingredients and mix together.
Serve with Frito corn chips or on bagels.
We finally met with the vocational rehab counselor last week. All seemed to go well. She was very nice and helpful and offered some options for Matt. The process begins now, with an evaluation of Matthew and contacting his physicians. If all is approved, (I am assured there should be no reason it shouldn't be) then Matt will begin one on one training to determine what if any his "nitch" is. In other words what is it that Matt can do that would be an asset to him in a trade or job. The best thing is that his one on one coach and counselor will attempt to find a job for him in our hometown. They will contact local business owners to see if they have a place for Matt. Sounds great... but our town is small and I am not sure if any of them participates in the rehab program or would be interested in taking a chance on Matt. The counselor that paid us a visit assured me that it isn't easy but was doable. I gave her a list of businesses that were family owned in our community for her to check into. We are hopeful.
Matt enjoyed the meeting and smiled the whole time as he talked to Ms. C. He showed off his prom pictures and his artwork. She took down a list of his interests(music and art) that might be helpful in our search for a job for Matt.
All we can do at this point is wait and allow Ms. C to do her job. She said she will let us know when she knows anything. So we wait and pray and remain hopeful.
I hope that everyone that reads this will say a prayer for Matt and myself to be led where we, especially Matt is meant to be.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Autistic Artwork

Matt has been bored since school has been out. I am trying my best to keep him occupied, but sometimes it is hard. Bought him some new supplies and he has put them to use. He has used all the paint and paper just in a two days. Here is some of his "masterpieces".

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Beautiful weekend!!!!!
Saturday went to an autistic support group. First one in my area and the first one that I have ever gone to. Find it somewhat amusing that after 19 years of raising Matt and wishing for others like me I have finally found a place to belong. It was so amazing to meet other parents that are going through what I have. Most of the parents present have children that are preschool or elementary age. They are experiencing milestones and challenges that Matt and I have made it through somehow. They are asking some of the same questions that I asked so many years ago. I am so glad that this group was started and that these parents have somewhere to turn.
I felt out of place at first because Matt is so much older than the other children and we have already come through so many challenges that the other children have yet to experience. I was beginning to wonder if once again I had nowhere to turn. After the meeting started, I found that we all were asking the same questions. "What causes autism?"(the million dollar question), "Does anything aide with the progression of autism?"(vitamins, diets, etc), and "How can I do what is best for my child?" Even though Matt is older, I still ask myself these questions just like the parents of the younger children. Many of the parents even thought that Matt and I could be of assistance to them and with many of their problems. Imagine that, us helping others with what we have been though. I never thought that we could help ourselves at times let alone help anyone else. After talking to many of the parents I felt that they and this group was just what Matt and I needed.
Some parents brought their children, and again I was fascinated by their actions, reactions, and behaviors. They were doing things that Matt did! I had never seen other children before that reminded of my own. All of the children and parents will have difficulties to face in the future, but I know that they can overcome with the help of each other and this wonderful support group. I so look forward to our next meeting.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day of New Beginnings

School has been out for only a few weeks and the search for Matt's future has begun. I was hopeful for a return to school for a additional year to aid with a so to speak transitional period, from student to preparing for the workforce if possible. No reply as of yet as to the school's plans if any. Many attempts and contacts have been made and still waiting to hear a reply. Have received verbal reassurance from director of special education that she has Matt in mind for something possibly for the upcoming school year. Strangely enough assurance comes from someone who when contacted in the office is ether busy or will "get back to me", but never does. Verbal reassurance that Matt hasn't been forgotten comes only when my husband and myself have "ran" into her in local restuarants or the grocery store.
After feeling ignored and attempting to deal with people who obviously do not take their job seriously I have taken another route. Through many phone calls I have connected w/another mother w/an autistic son. Our conversations and contact have led to another contact who works with young adults one on one to evaluate them and attempt to place them in some type of employment role if they are capable. Matt and myself have an in home meeting tomorrow to meet and talk over some possibilities for him with her. It is very exciting but at the same time Matt and I are entering the unknown again, as we have many times before in the past with his disabilities. I am very hopeful but at the same time very "torn". Should I wait on the school system to "come up" with something for him and allow him to return to familiar surroundings or venture out into the unknown? I have prayed and asked many people close to me their opinions. When Matt is asked what he wants to do now that he has graduated his reply is, "college". This reply brings a smile and a tear to my face. Smile because he sees himself no different than others he graduated with, a tear because I know that he will never be able to attend college. I am sure he has heard other kids his age that he graduated with talk about going to college but he has no concept of what it actually is.
Tomorrow will be a day of new beginnings for us if we decide to take this path in our journey. Our meeting may be just the opportunity Matt needs but at the same time it will take him out of his usual routine for awhile. I don't want to upset him or make the wrong decision. Pray for us that our search for continued learning for him will be guided in the right direction and will benefit Matt to the fullest.